Tall wildflowers at this time the protagonist.
families and genera: Polygonum, Polygonum. Characteristics: large-scale annual herb, 1-3 m height, stem erect, hollow, multi-branched, the whole plant densely covered with coarse hair, leaves large, alternate, broadly ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 10-20 cm long , 6-12 cm wide, apex acuminate, base is slightly rounded or heart-shaped, entire; care tubular sheath, the lower membranous, brown, upper part herbaceous, green affinity for hair. Racemes terminal or axillary, drooping like a soft spicate, flowers pink or rose red, flowering from July to September. Distribution behavior: native to China and Australia. Hi warm and humid environment, hi light enough; should be planted in fertile, moist land, and barren-resistant, strong adaptability. Cultivation Breeding: Spring seed propagation. Can be multiplied from the broadcast, culture and management simple. Growing attention to cultivation, weed and fertilizer. Landscape uses: as a flower border, lawn, lake, etc. background plant, a pink, very moving. Can also be cut materials. Du Mu, Huang Liao Lo whitecaps. angle Artemisia
perennial herb, with stems, branches, up to 80 cm. Leaves alternate, two - three bipinnate small crack, 4-6 cm long, shape changing, irregular leaflets small crack was linear-lanceolate. Apical racemes up to 20 cm, evacuation; microstrip Corolla pink purple, bell-shaped funnel-shaped, contracted into a thin tube solid base, corolla lobes semi-circular, about 4 cm, diameter 2.5 cm; calyx bell-shaped , reddish green, about 5 mm, flat top cut, drill-like calyx teeth, base enlarged into glands, approximately 5 mm; stamens built; style pale yellow, flat fan-shaped stigma; pedicel short, less than 5 mm long ; small bracts green, linear, about 5 mm. Capsule pale green, cylindrical slender, long tail-like top acuminate, about 3.5 cm, diameter of about 5 mm; seed flat round, small, about 2 mm diameter, surrounded by a transparent membranous wings. Flowering from May to September, fruiting from September to November.
production Lijiang, Yunnan, Deqin, growing at an altitude of 1900-3850 meters in area. Distribution of western Sichuan, northern, western Gansu, northern Shanxi, Shaanxi and south-eastern Tibet and other places. Subspecies found in the original Northeast, North China, Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, northern Sichuan and other places.
velvetleaf (sound the same, please)
Malvaceae Abutilon genus Abutilon
sub-shrubby annual herb, up to 1-2m. Stems pubescent. Leaves alternate; petioles 3-12cm, stellate The Soft wool; stipules caducous; circle-shaped leaves, long 5-10cm, tip acuminate, base cordate, two were stellate pubescent, margin very thin Round serrated. Flowers solitary and axillary, pedicels 1-3cm, pubescent, with a section near the top; calyx cup, densely villous, lobes 5, ovate, about 6mm; flowers yellow, petals obovate, about 1cm; stamen column smooth, glabrous; carpels 15-20, length 1-1.5cm, apex truncated, with expansion, a coat of long awns 2, arranged in a round-shaped, densely soft hair. Hemispherical capsule diameter of 2cm, length 1.2cm, fruit Pán 15-20 minutes, was coarse, apex with long awns 2. Seed kidney-shaped, brown, stellate pubescent. Flowering from July to August.
common along roadsides, wasteland and in fields. In addition to the Tibetan Plateau in China do not produce, the other parts are produced, northeastern China have cultivated.
chicory color
Asteraceae Sonchus dish is a biennial herb
, a spindle-shaped roots. Stem hollow, upright 50-100 cm high, glabrous lower, middle and top of the upper part of glandular hairs are sparse. Leaves soft, hairless, long oval-shaped broad oblanceolate, 15-20 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, deep cleft or a violin-shaped feather feather lobed, lobes with irregular short marginal spines of small sharp teeth to the teeth; cauline leaf base often hold the stem tip of ear-shaped, basal leaves decurrent base into a winged stalk. Capitulum diameter of about 2 cm, peduncles often glandular hairs or the early stages, silk; involucre bell-shaped or cylindrical, 1.2-1.5 cm long; ray florets yellow, about 1. 3 cm, 0.5 cm long tongue. Achene obovate elliptic, mature red-brown; 3 longitudinal ribs on each side, the intercostal thin stripes are rough, there are about 6 mm white crested valuables. Fruit of the May-December. Born in the wilderness at the roadside slopes; generally distributed in China. More used as feed for raising a good child goose green fodder, but also cultivated as a vegetable, leaves a bitter taste, people do not like to eat, have lower blood pressure.
Asteraceae Inula Inula
perennial herb. Rhizome short, horizontal or inclined to go up, the number of thick fibrous roots. Stems solitary, sometimes 2-3 tufted, erect, 30-70 cm high, sometimes with adventitious roots at the base, base diameter of 3-10 mm, a rill, by long hairs, or sometimes the lower part of hair removal, the upper part of the rise or to carry out branch, all have leaves; for length of 2-4 cm. Basal leaves often small, withered at flowering; middle lobe oblong, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, 4-13 cm long, 4 cm wide and 1.5-3.5 thin, the base number of narrow, often semi-amplexicaul round small ears, no handle, the top slightly pointed or acuminate, margin-like thinning of small pointed teeth or entire, or near the top there is sparse hair no hair,cheap UGG boots, sparse hairs beneath and glandular spots; in the vein and lateral veins are more dense long hair; upper leaves gradually narrow, linear-lanceolate. Capitulum 3-4 cm in diameter, arranged in the evacuation of the majority or minority corymbose; peduncle slender. Involucre hemispherical, 13-17 mm in diameter, 7-8 mm long; bracts about 6 layers, linear-lanceolate, nearly as long, but often leaves the outermost layer of quality and longer; the outer base of the leathery, the upper part of leaf on the back hairs or nearly glabrous, and by chance hair; lining than green in the vein of dry outside membranous, acuminate, with glandular dots and ciliate. Ray florets yellow, 2-2.5 times longer than the involucre; tongue linear, 10-13 mm; tubular flowers Corolla about 5 mm, with triangular lobes lanceolate; crested a layer of white, more than 20 micro- coarse hair, and nearly as long tubular flowers. Achenes 1-1.2 mm long, cylindrical, 10 ditch, the top truncated, short hairs are sparse. Flowering from June to October, the fruit of September to November. The species is common in many parts of eastern Asia, the species, and the Eurasian very similar to Inula I. britanica L., often regarded as a variant of the latter (var. japonica Franch.) Or subspecies (ssp. japonica Kitam. ), only the difference between leaf and fluffy. This species in plant height, leaf width narrow, how much head-like sequence, there were significant differences. Usually divided into a number of different variants; but intermediate between the types of variants exist, it is appropriate to merge. Born in elevation of 150-2400 meters
roadside slopes, wet meadows, river banks and on horseback. Widely produced in China's north, northeast, central, eastern provinces, very common, in Sichuan, Guizhou, Fujian, Guangdong, can also be seen. In Mongolia, North Korea, Soviet Union, Siberia, Japan, are distributed.
Solanum Solanaceae Solanum
annual herb, 30 to 100 cm. Stems erect, much branched. Leaves oval, like pepper leaves, 2.5-10 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, top acute, entire or with irregular wavy coarse teeth, base cuneate, tapering into a stalk; petiole up to 2 cm . Heliconia inflorescences shorter or near the umbrella-shaped, lateral or axillary exogenous, 4-10 flowers, white, small; peduncle 1-2.5 cm long, pedicels about 1 cm; calyx cup, green , 5 lobed; Corolla rotate, lobes ovate triangular, about 3 cm; stamens 5; ovary ovoid, with white hair the following style central. Berries globose, 8 mm in diameter, black when ripe; seed nearly oval, flattened shape. Fruit of 9-10.
born in the roadside, wasteland, around the common, Heilongjiang Province, the majority
legume, clover is a perennial herb
plants. Plant low, 30 to 40 cm high. Straight root, roots, and symbiotic characteristics of rhizobia, the roots of tillering ability and regeneration are strong. Branches and more creeping stolons grow, the root section between the ground and sprouted new leaves. Compound leaves with three leaflets, leaflets obovate or inverted heart-shaped, base cuneate, apex obtuse or emarginate, margin serrulate, leaf center with a In the summer and autumn flowering, head-shaped racemes, spherical, peduncle, flowers white, sometimes pink. Side of flowering, while seed, seed maturity varies, seed small. Clover living and strong, short and creeping plants, and cutting, but also a self-sowing, and they cover the good effect. Because nitrogen fixation, requires little fertilizer. However, long drought, we should pay attention to timely watering drought. Low foliage, flowers and more green and long, often decorated with flowers in the lawn, can be bluegrass, red fescue and other mixtures. Can also be unicast as a flower, commonly used in the green slope, with the role of soil and water conservation. White clover plants were low, only 30 to 40 cm high, so generally do not need mowing. But he was also resistant to cutting, mowing to resume soon after the coverage results.
Solanaceae Datura genus Datura
annual herb. Sturdy upright stems,UGG boots, usually in temperate regions is 50 to 1m, grow into tropical sub-shrubs up to 2m. Leaf broadly ovate, apex acuminate, base asymmetric wedge-shaped, wavy edges, irregular lobed, lobes triangular, pulse have sparse pubescent. Calyx tubular, 5 edges and corners, long 4 ~ 5cm; Corolla funnel-shaped, long 6 ~ 10cm, the upper part of white or purplish; anther length 3 ~ 4mm. Capsule erect, ovoid, long 3 ~ 4cm, with a length ranging from hard short spines, mature four split. Seeds black. Annual herb, in the low-latitude regions can grow into sub-shrubs. Born in wastelands, drylands, home next to the sunny slopes, the forest edge, grassland. Flowering 6 to 10 months, the fruit of 7 to 11 months. Seed multiplication.
widely distributed in temperate to tropical regions around the world; are producing provinces in China. Chang was born in the village edge, roadside grass.
Phytolacca Phytolacca Phytolacca families are
commercial land, also known as: Amaranthus Lu (Polygonum (pig food. Perennial herb, 70 to 100 cm high, whole plant glabrous, roots thick, fleshy, conical, pale yellow skin. Stems erect, much branched, green or purple, with a longitudinal groove. Leaves alternate, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 12 to 25 cm, width of 5 to 10 cm, apex acute, base cuneate and the next extension, entire, lateral veins pinnate, primary vein stout; petiole length of 1.5 ~ 3 cm , the mask slot, the following semi-circular. Apical or lateral racemes, 10 to 15 cm long; Flowers bisexual, diameter of about 8 mm, with small stems, bracts 1 small stalk and the base of bracteoles 2; calyx is usually five, even for the four, oval or rectangular-shaped oval, first white, later pale red: no petals: stamens 8, anthers pale pink (minorities as lavender); carpels 8 to 10, from the students. Berries flat spherical diameter of about 7 mm, usually composed of eight sub-fruit, purplish black when ripe. Seed kidney round, flat, black. Flowering 6 to 8 months. Results of 8 to 10 months. Multi-thin forests, the forest edge, roadside, moist places such as valley. Is distributed in most parts of China.
aster aster Asteraceae
aster as an
Asteraceae, aster species. Also known as the annual Aster (annual aster). Compositae (Asteraceae) herbs, scientific name Callistephus chinensis.
Zygophyllaceae Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus terrestris is annual or perennial herb, whole plant densely gray pubescent. Stems prostrate, branched from the base the majority of birth, branch length of 30 ~ 60 cm, the surface of vertical lines. Even pinnate, opposite, leaves even the handle length of 2.5 ~ 6 cm; care Leaves opposite, form a small, forever, oval to egg-shaped
lanceolate; leaflets 5 to 7 pairs sessile with short handle or a few, small oblong leaves, 5 to 16 mm long, 2 to 6 mm wide, apex mucronate or acute tip, base often oblique, just above the edge of the clock and sparsely photogenic powder hair, Here dense hair. Flowers solitary and axillary, the diameter of 8 to 20 mm, pedicels filiform; sepals 5, ovate-lanceolate, margin membranous transparent; petals 5, yellow,UGG shoes, down wide oval; faceplate ring; stamens 10, was born in faceplate base, which is long and with five petals on the students, each one at the base of small gland on the outside,UGG boots clearanc, anthers oval, flower-shaped fishes; ovary superior, ovoid, usually 5 rooms, style short, cylindrical, stigmas 5, linear. If pentagonal, about 1 cm in diameter, composed of the five fruit valves, separation of mature, each flap was ax-shaped fruit, with hard spikes at both ends of the - yes, tip uplift, with fine, short spines. If there are seeds per minute 2 to 3. Flowering 5 to 7 months. Fruit of 7 to 9 months.
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